Today I spent some time improving my Record 043 plow (or “plough”) plane. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while so, with a little free time, I finally decided to go ahead and do it. For those unfamiliar with plow planes, it is a simple but useful tool...
Continue reading...Restoring a Stanley No. 80 Cabinet Scraper
I bought a Stanley No. 80 cabinet scraper in rough shape a while back. It is perfectly functional in its condition and I have used it on several projects where the grain was prone to tear out. I had a piece of white oak that would tear out no matter how...
Continue reading...Making a Diamond Plate Sharpening Station
I recently purchased a set of three diamond sharpening plates for all my woodworking sharpening needs. I was previously using a doubled sided diamond plate consisting of a 400 grit side and a 1000 grit side. To sharpen a blade I had to start on the coarse side, flip over to...
Continue reading...Building a Mid-Century Cherry Wood Bench – Part 1
I have been wanting to build a bench for a while now and I thought it would be a great first project to document on this blog. The particular bench I’m building is simple enough to not be intimidating, yet complex enough for me to learn a lot of woodworking fundamentals...
Continue reading...Welcome!
Welcome to The Hackberry! In a nutshell, The Hackberry is a blog about my journey through hand tool woodworking. Here I will discuss the projects I’m working on, the techniques I’ve learned, the tools I use, and hopefully much more. Who am I? I am an engineer in the San Francisco...
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